The best Youtube channels to learn French

Since the Covid pandemic in 2020, lots of language learning channels on Youtube have mushroomed. Some of them offer quality content that complements classroom lessons or real life practice. Here are the best Youtube channels to learn French.

Since the Covid pandemic in 2020, lots of language learning channels on Youtube have mushroomed. Some of them offer quality content that complements classroom lessons or real life practice. Here are the best Youtube channels to learn French.

Pros of learning French on Youtube

Pedagogical advantages

It’s fun and it’s educational

The learning methods and tools based on fun videos found on Youtube provide a learning environment that is not very interactive, but dynamic, which stimulates both our interest and our motivation to learn. At the same time, this learning improves the way we retain what we learn.  

It takes less time than a classroom course

In addition, online videos are usually based on microlearning, small learning sequences of short duration that fit more easily into your schedule, much more easily than long sessions with a teacher. These videos are a good complement for people who have a shorter concentration span, or who want a more traditional learning style. 


It’s much more personal

The channels available on Youtube provide a less linear learning experience that allows you to manage your priorities. You can focus on improving a specific skill such as listening, pronunciation, reading, vocabulary or writing. It is possible to skip over content you already know, and learn first what is most useful for you. Alternatively, you can watch the video several times to better understand it, without feeling guilty about disrupting a class.  

Practical advantages

It is easier to manage time

Unlike traditional courses, with Youtube language courses you can adapt your schedule. Courses are not imposed and integrated into your daily routine, but you choose when to integrate this learning into your routine, in addition to a language school and the necessary interaction with native speakers. 

Plus, there’s no need to travel, you can watch the videos over and over again whenever and wherever you want.

It’s also more technical

For those who like grammar, but also prefer to learn French through a third language, Youtube channels offer a good compromise.

Those who love metalanguage will be happy with a very concrete lexicon of French grammar, and sometimes the translation will save a lot of effort. 

Cons of learning French on Youtube

Yes, there are a lot of advantages. But on the other hand, there are a lot of disadvantages when you spend time learning French on Youtube channels. 

Pedagogical disadvantages

It’s a more passive method

You can spend hours and hours watching videos and… unfortunately find yourself unable to speak… for the simple reason that it all remains passive and not very interactive. 

Nothing is more important than talking to learn to talk.
In this case, the participation of someone is necessary. And often a French teacher is crucial.
The good news is that several Youtube channels are offered by real French teachers. However, the interaction is still not there.


Following video channels needs time management and self-motivation. For many learners it is necessary to be encouraged, unless you are self-motivated and learn much better on your own. French language lessons via online videos may not be as effective as lessons given in a traditional classroom environment.

Practical disadvantages

Deceptively free content

The first lessons are free and then suddenly, after 5 hours, you have to pay… and that’s normal… the channel’s host offers content that he or she has created and that is often a source of income for him or her.

In addition, Youtube videos are often an open door to the sale of this or that product, a book, a CD, online courses… 

So, it’s up to you to calculate if French classes are not cheaper than videos on Youtube.


The lack of concreteness

A major drawback of online language videos is a lack of immersion. Language learners learn best when they are surrounded by their target language on a daily basis, with immediate and concrete results. Online videos do not foster an environment where it is necessary to use French on a daily basis. This has a negative effect on the learner’s ability to learn the language naturally and quickly.

The best Youtube channels for learning French

Video channels

Le français avec Pierre” is probably the most successful channel. It offers free courses and also, of course, paid courses.

Access is more than easy, as Pierre also offers courses on Instagram and Facebook that are 100% French.
Pierre is a native speaker and this is essential to start learning. After a competitive examination to become a teacher of French as a foreign language, he worked for a long time as an associate professor in Madrid, and in parallel in other projects related to French and education…

Français Authentique” offers you videos with PDFs directly from the website of the presenter. For this, a registration is required.
Coming from the automotive industry, Johan started his project “Français Authentique” in 2011 and the Youtube channel opened in 2014. He also offers a smartphone application, additional learning packs, a blog and a podcast.

Parlez-vous French?” offers, in addition to French lessons, stories to listen to. Anne Le Grand has been a French teacher since 2010. As with the other channels, you’ll have to pay to access the lessons on the site (and enjoy 125 HD videos with French subtitles, 25 oral and written comprehensions, 4 eBooks to download, corrected written productions and quizzes). 

But many of the videos, mainly focused on French grammar, are free.


Study independently

French Pod 101” is a channel for English speakers that is also present on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. They are mini-videos about daily topics, and in the form of small dialogues.
The problem is that the dialogues are overplayed… and don’t feel natural. The best part? The dialogues are illustrated, and that helps a lot in understanding.

Projet Voltaire” teaches the basics and difficulties of the written French language in short, simple videos. This channel, chosen by more than 4 million users, is the number 1 spelling refresher course.
Projet Voltaire offers you spelling and grammar exercises adapted to all your needs, with the construction of your personalized learning path according to your gaps and your rate of acquisition.

Enseignement du FLE” offers a wide range of preparation for the various French language exams. Delf, Dalf, TCF… the channel prepares you for everything.

Several exams are offered in real time and some videos last… nearly two hours…
For those who are preparing for the TCF Canada or Quebec, there are also videos on the local accent and vocabulary variations with France.  It is therefore very complete and totally free.

Here is probably the most useful Youtube video to speak French… without any complex! 

As you can see, Youtube is a paradise… that can be associated with courses. There are many channels specialised in language learning that are excellent additional contents to your daily French learning. 

To conclude

Here is probably the most useful Youtube video to speak French… without any complex!

As you can see, for someone who is learning French, Youtube is a paradise… that can be associated with courses. There are many channels specialized in language learning that are excellent complements to your daily learning of French.
But, apart from French, what are the other best Youtube channels for learning another language? Which Youtubers and which channels should you follow, among the hundred of countries and the 80 languages represented on the platform?

If you have any advice, don’t hesitate to write us and share your resources with us. To learn more, here is an article on the best Apps of the moment to learn French.

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